Sunday, September 25, 2011

Leaving Nova Scotia

Digby Ferry heading to New Brunswick
Digby ferry to New Brunswick was our next trip. The boat reminded us of home and the expensive 1 1/2 trip to Vancouver. However, there was no picturesque city awaiting us on the other side. St. John, NB was a disastrous town. Industrial and dirty the whole feel of the place was like driving into a large refinery. It was labour day when we came in and it was as though everyone had been beamed up to the mothership! There was no one home. No one on the roads and the stores all closed. I guess there was something good on TV. The only thing of note was meeting this fine gentleman and his wife (names escape me), who had traveled the world in their RV. If you zoom into the map displayed on the back of his RV you can see the route he has taken and the territory covered. It was quite impressive and it got me thinking about doing a map like that for our Olive. That was it for St. John, though... early in the morning we were out of there and heading for Fredericton.

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