Sunday, September 25, 2011

Manchester Car Show

Car Show in Manchester

We were heading to Washington DC, and taking the side roads which we were getting accustomed to. They are quieter and I can still do about 55 on most of them down here. No big semi's barreling past either. On the way down one of these little roads we noticed a sign for a "Car Show" in a tiny town called Manchester. Why not! We turn into this one street town to see the whole street just full of cars. We pay our 10 dollar entry fee and in we go. I suspect we were the last car in... as they took us to the centre of town in the middle of the road and had us park right there... in the middle of everything. It was like the spot was saved for us!

It didn't take long for the crowds to form and Tracey, standing by her door must have told our story 40 times or more that afternoon! I thought she was going to lose her voice. I stood at the back with the big door up and the engine door up. She looked pretty with her new chrome carburetors shining back there. I was content to stand a bit back, munch on a hot dog and listen to folks comment on her. We stayed until the show was beginning to break up and then made a quick exit to keep going on our journey to the nation's capital.

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