Sunday, September 25, 2011

East Coast Blueberries

I had never actually seen blueberry bushes before. It is just one of those things you never really think about. Where do blueberries grow? Where do they come from? For instance, did you know that pineapples actually grow on bushes and not trees?
Blueberries Everywhere

Well, we were driving down another little back road in Nova Scotia, and chatting about the beauty of the land and the fertility here. Everything grows. We passed corn fields on our left and onion fields on our right, and a bit more up the road as we just made it over a little hill, fields and fields of blue berries. There was a little restaurant there, where they also invited people to pick their own baskets full of the tiny royal coloured nuggets of tastiness. We stopped as it was beginning to rain as I was craving a piece of pie.

We met a lovely waitress whos' family owns the restaurant and we discussed minimal living, family and her upcoming wedding! Upon leaving she was exciting to learn we were driving and living in our VW Bus. Well, after the tour she wanted to show us just how much of a VW fan she was. Turning around rather quickly, she pulls her pants down!!!!.... just enough to reveal the VW logo tattoo she had just above her... well, you get the picture.

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