Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Good Samaritan

What a wonderful place, full of wonderful people. Mark and I enjoyed 3 days in the quaint little town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. This is a town that is full of the theatrical and surrounded by vineyards.

Irish Harp Pub
Peter, our new friend
On our first night we didn't get much sleep as the heat and humidity kept us up. The next day we found a great little coffee shop, Balzac's....great coffee! We were parked in the street just outside the coffee shop and a man came up to us and started talking to us about Olive. This is how we met Peter, from Holland, and our Good Samaritan. He said as the nights were so hot would Mark and I like to stay in his apartment above the coffee shop....we can shower, get a good nights sleep and even do our laundry.

 What a blessing he was to us and such a kind and compassionate man. It makes one realize that you just have to unplug from CNN to find out that there are actually some great people in this world. We got to spend three evenings with Peter, talking about life, love and freedom from stuff! We greatly appreciated all he did. One night we got to enjoy some Irish music at the "Irish Harp" pub. Great little spot....yummy fish and chips. Thank you Peter....we will think of you often.....we will think of you fondly.

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