Monday, July 4, 2011

Canada Day Celebrations

Making our way from Kelowna into the Rockies, we had driven as far as Golden. Olive making the trip like a trouper. While once in Golden we had decided to call it a day. So prepping everything, (which simply means pulling the curtains and doing a wash up), we settled in for a good night sleep. Well, honestly, I forgot it was Canada Day. Funny. The firecrackers going off gave it away. Being parked at the Golden Husky Station may not be the best place to call it a night when your sitting there with the curtains drawn and kids are in the parking lot with firecrackers. What goes through your head is - "Who is going to think it's funny to toss a noise maker under a vehicle while people are sleeping inside?" I wasn't going to find out. Figured the best thing to do would be make the drive up to Lake Louise. It turned out to be a great idea. We caught a wonderful fireworks show at a campground along the drive. We just pulled over and enjoyed our Canada Day celebrations. Hope you had a great time too, this holiday weekend.

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