Friday, July 1, 2011

Heading through the Rockies

Today we begin our journey. It does not really feel like we have started yet, being in Kelowna. It still feels like home, with our family so close and the weather so much like Nanaimo.

We will head into some real mountains now and test the endurance of our little Green Bus. Lake Louise seems like a good place to stay and perhaps we'll make it that far today and rest up. Once we are there we'll take photos.

We will be looking up some special folks when we get into Calgary and just 'be' where God wants us to be. It has been amazing so far, seeing all that He has developed ahead of us to walk into. We thank God for the great people we have met in Kelowna and pray for them often. Randy, Joshua chapter one is for you man. There are some wild and exciting victories ahead for you and, wow, what a testimony it will be. Trisha and Jamie, God Bless in all you do and set your hands to. Keep singing and rockin til He cracks the sky for you. Len and MaryAnn, you guys got it all started. There was a reason we met. When I reflect on all God has done in the time we have been together, what comes to mind is Esther and the months of preparation before she was presented to the King. This is preparation. All of us are called to be faithful in what we have to prove ourselves faithful for what He has prepared for us. Great things are ahead for the church, while the world recoils in the things they put their trust in. That's it for now. Ciao

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