Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sauble Beach

Olive on the Beach
Miles of Sandy Beach
Brandon and Luke's Family...great group!
On the shores of Lake Huron lies Sauble beach.... Amazing! Beautiful sandy beaches and clear water. We loved hanging out for three days. Olive was looking hot on the beach and drew a crowd.... God is so smart. We also met a wonderful family from "The New Nashville" aka Branson, MO. Brandon Bliss and his family were visiting his good friend Luke and his family. Brandon and his wife are worship ministers at Tri-Lakes Christian Church.

So while we were hangin at Sauble Beach we were looking for a place to park for the night to sleep. Hey a large church parking lot looked inviting. So we get settled and off to sleep.....around 12:00am we get a knock on the Olive's window, from a man in a golf cart?! Where the heck did he come from...we figured it was the camp ground next door. He bellows out " You can't park here!" Ok we politely say....getting ourselves organized to head back to the grocery parking lot...which is fine with it. Again he yells out "Get a move on!" "Yes... we say we are going". We talked about this later and thought how SAD! that you can park at Walmart....they welcome you with open arms as they know you will spend money in their store. But church parking lots are off limits....something is wrong with this picture. Off to Niagara Falls!

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