Monday, August 8, 2011

TV Producers... seriously??

Sandy Kybartas
You may laugh... but we had forgot to blog about our new friends Harvey Crossland and Sandy Kybartas. Harvey is a producer with the CBC and has quite a selection of quality productions to his credit on both Canadian and International television. Sandy is an award winning production designer. We met this couple in Niagara on the Lake. Intrigued by our way of life on the road they invited us to lunch at their place in Toronto.

We had a marvelous lunch with Harvey and Sandy, and met another producer MaryAnn, who had an enchanted childhood traveling the world with her parents.

What a wonderful conversation we had. It was a pleasure to share our time with them as they have such a perspective on the world around us. I suppose that is what captivated them about our story.

Stepping out of the rat race and selling all our possessions. Discovering a life on the road, where living is simple and the need to be driven by pop culture is eliminated. We laughed when we saw a poster in the Scotia Bank window... "Borrow to get ahead". I mean really, completely out of touch. How can you be telling your clients that the way to get ahead is to borrow? Don't get me started.

Microphones in our bus were one of the things discussed. Images of Tracey turning towards me holding a Starbucks cup, (with the logo strategically positioned) stating how the flavor of her Grande White Chocolate Mocha made for such a perfect roadtrip drink.... floated through my head.

We will wait and see what comes of this cool encounter.

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