Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Beloved Gypsy Friends

Our inspiring friends Will Taylor and Laura Leoncini. If you're looking for inspiration, if you're looking for someone to spotlight for any TV documentary or show... here they are. Two internationally educated world travelers who have inspired us to venture forth into a beautiful world full of amazing people.

My hats off to their optimism for a clean, sustainable blue/green world. I would like to encourage anyone to explore what is possible, when we all work together to accomplish true unity and greatness.

Funny thing... this recent correspondence from our good friends on the other side of the world... we were discussing our travels and they gave us some tips...

Very cool - you should have no problem relaxing in PEI!  If you get a chance to check out Stanhope beach, my parents used to own land in the area.  Very beautiful if I remember correctly - and I believe there is lots of red sand?

Nova Scotia - definitely do not miss Cabot Trail.  Incredible!

USA - definitely do not miss Maine.  Highly recommend Woodstock.  Savannah Georgia is also a must see.

Here in Asia we've wrapped up in Manila, Brunei, Singapore, and are now in Bangkok. Funny the world we live in - writing from Starucks to Starbucks on opposite sides of the world! lol

Talk soon!:-)

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