Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Driving around the Gaspe Peninsula

I have to write a bit about our drive around the Peninsula. It was late in the day when we decided to press on to Gaspe near the tip of the Peninsula. The sun set in a sky full of colour as we began our journey. The twists and bends in the road took us from one quaint little seaside village to the next and as the moon rose over the hills, and the stars came out it became apparent that this drive would be magical. The moon was full and the stars lit up the water as we drove. I remember driving around a bend and seeing yet another little hamlet tucked into a little bay. The moonlit twinkled like a million diamonds on the tips of the tiny waves gently rolling into the harbour. The hills and slopes of this drive seemed harder on our little Olive then that of the Rockies. The mountains were a gentle grade and we made it over into Alberta with not much trouble, but the hills here on the Peninsula were suddenly there as we turned the bend and they were a steep climb up. As Olive was not feeling herself, (needing some new carbs) we did not feel to press our luck around the Cabot Trail, which the locals tell us is much steeper than anything we have yet seen. Next time.

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