Sunday, May 22, 2011

Knox Mountian Hill Climb

Realizing that I sound like a proud papa... but Olive really did steal the show, and the hearts of many of the passers by, at the Knox Mountain Hill Climb. This event has been going on for decades in Kelowna. They block off the road that snakes it's way up to the top of Knox Mountain and cars, that are obviously the love and passion of many, who travel far to compete, race up this sidewinding road to get to the top. We had been told that VW was sponsoring this event and we should find our way here. It was a sketching morning with heavy cloud and attempts at dampness as rain drops splattered our windshield on our way to church in the morning. We met some really cool people again Sunday morning as we attended New Life Assembly in the heart of Kelowna. After the service we made our way over to the hill climb with thoughts of popping down to a car show in Peachland too. But the crowds at the hill climb thronged around our little girl and we shared our story again and again. We fondly remember our stoic security guard Frank and his many adventures in his VW bus. Hey Frank. Thanks to all who stopped by.

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