Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kal Tire

Today was an unusual day. We had purchased some new, highly touted, tires for the westy in Langley from the boys at Kal Tire. Now we have always had such great service from them ... we always go back. Well, the tires go on just great. We make the trip here to Kelowna and we had noticed a clicking sound only when you hit the brakes. Better check it out... safety first. So most of today was working from the Kelowna Kal Tire parking lot while they looked over the bus. We go back Friday to ensure all the gremlins are exercised from the vehicle.... the clicking sound remains elusive.

Ok.. .gotta 'raise the roof' for the guys at Kal Tire. Suited us up with some slick new shoes for Olive in Langley, and in Kelowna, a genius named Pierre, solved the clicking noise... 40 mins later we were on the road with a smooth sound and gentle ride. Just what the doctor ordered.

1 comment:

  1. What was the clickin' noise?..... he asked unknowingly.
