What a day today was. We had said a prayer this morning asking God to steer us where we needed to be today. We were getting water for the Bus and I knew I was going into Kelowna to seek out a shop called BowWow Motors... to look into our bus. I met a guy at the same "watering hole", filling his 5 gallon jug of water and we started talking. Olive seems to always help break the ice and start conversation. Well, won't ya know it... the owner of BowWow is his nephew and this guy I met turned out to be a mechanic. After a nice conversation and some words of wisdom from "Uncle Willy" - we go our way into town to find BowWow Motors.
We missed the turn. A wee bit lost we drive a few miles and decide to ask for directions. Unlike so many of my sex, I don't mind stopping to ask for directions, and we have been a bit lazy in using the TomTom as we should be. So we pull into a marine repairs shop.... just a little place... and ask "Larry." Turns out the owner -- that would be Larry... knows the BowWow guy... who happened to be Steve. Larry says - I am actually on my way down there to see him.... this is how you find him .... tell him I am coming.
To make a long story short... (interupt!)... no, I mean... we get there... get some more good advice and go for lunch.
Now, we went for a little coffee first --- grab a wrap and decide to head to the park. When we get to the park, we reconsider where we are going to park the bus, three times. Deciding finally we pull in and set up shop... which is to say... hang the beach towels we used when we went to the city pool in the morning. Open up the laptops, have lunch and actually get some work done.
It isn't a few minutes until a car pulls up beside us and a fellow asks if we can break a ten dollar bill so he can have change for the meter. Yes, Kelowna charges for parking in the city park downtown. Well, we rummage about... and just decide to give him a toonie. He says, "You guys must be Christians"... we laugh... "Sure are". He said he could just tell. Well we end up spending the afternoon with Leonard, Mary-Ann and their daughter Lydia. What a great time of sharing we all had. I felt a real connection with them.
Shortly after they had to leave... we settle back into getting some work done. Suddenly a fellow rides up on his bike. "Hello, mind if I look at your van?" Well, that starts a whole new conversation and it turns out he is a Christian too! (Sorry... forgot his name at the moment). Anyhow, another fantastic conversation about VW's and God.... and he asks if he can pray a blessing over us! Sure! Just a super day. Invited to go kite-boarding tomorrow with him!
To top the day off, we attending a prayer meeting we were invited to. 2 hours of great music and a group of people starting an iHOP (International House of Prayer) here in Kelowna. Wonderful time of praise and prayer to call in intercessors to pray for the city. Got to meet a whole new group of great people and ... I didn't know about this until just a few minutes ago... but a very nice lady slipped a note to Tracey offering a place for us to stay for a bit should we want to stretch our legs a bit more than Olive will allow! Lol.
Now that is a blessed day! God put us on the road... we have no plans on who or where... but He does... and He is putting us in the right spot at the right time to share with the people He has for us.
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