The Story of Faith

On this page will be thoughts and Bible studies for you to enjoy.

Study #1: A question of timing.

Some time ago, the Lord led me on a study of the geologies in Genesis. So following the work through I have created a wonderful timeline of the first millennium. 

Please check out this link for the study. I welcome your thoughts and feedback. Ideally, I'd like to fill in the blanks to the time of Christ.


Study #2 - Millennium Generation
What I want to discuss is our generation and where we are in this thing called time. Many cultures around the world are anticipating a shift, a change both politically and economically. There is a mighty move among the youth of the world, both secular and within the church. These young people are a part of a revolution that is moving globally. What I want you to consider is our place in this time as the body of Christ, our responsibilities to this generation and to our Father.

Come with me on a bit of a journey. The time now --- about 5 BC. Simeon and Anna... Luke chapter two. Here we have two people, advanced in age, who are anticipating one of the most prophesied moments in the history of man. The arrival of the messiah. Simeon had prayed that he would not pass until he had beheld the messiah. His prayer is answered one morning as a young couple pass by with their baby in their arms.

Now, if you were there at that time, and you knew then, what you know now... how would you adjust your life? Would you not, along with me, inquire about this family? Find out who they are and where they live? Move everything you got to be close to this child and shadow Him everywhere? Yearn to be one of His disciples and hang on every word? This was such a time in history. The end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New. A global shift as the Grace of God is poured out upon all men. Would you not want to be a part of this? Would you not want to spend this Child's youth in study and preparation for His ministry... so you could be "studied to show yourself approved?"

God had been silent in the lives of the Jewish nation for nearly 400 years. They had fallen into the traditions of their religion and few, very few, were still hungry and searching for God, to hear His voice.

Here we are nearly 2000 years later and we are the generation that will see such dramatic change again. A global encounter with God, such as never has happened before in the history of man. Yet, in my travels it surprises me how little the 'body' of Christ is prepared for the millennium. It is amazing that so many can't wait to get to heaven, yet have no concept of what it is or what their purpose is once you get there. 

Consider a few details to confirm where you are in this place in time. There are loads of timely examples to demonstrate our place in time... but these should suffice:
• Israel becomes a nation in 1948 - the super sign.
• Global wars - ever increasing
• Push towards a "super sovereign" - one world currency. China recently requested the IMF to look into producing this currency.
• Maitreya Budda - a 500 ft statue (Statue of Liberty is only 175ft) placed on top of a 5 story building, housing over 100,000 deities of global religions. This colossal image will be the largest statue ever built by man and is being built to last 1000 years! It's bronze construction will expand and contract in the heat and cold and will seemingly breath!
• Development of a new world order, both politically and militarily in the midst of economic collapse and wars and rumors of wars.

That should suffice for now. If you need more proofs... please drop me a line. lol.

Our generation will see 'all things fulfilled'. That makes me ponder our purpose and countless parables that Jesus taught for our benefit. So let's take a look at some scripture:

Romans 11:29 - "for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable"

I often ask people what they love to do within the Body? What area of ministry really excites them and makes them feel fulfilled? When their eyes light up and they talk about the music ministry they do, or teaching the children about the love of God for them. We all have gifts and ministry within the body. Yet we are also always learning new things and developing as His children. Here is something to think about... so when we get to heaven... do you think God gives His head a little scratch and says, "Well, what do we do now?" No. The gifts and call on your life are not just for this life. Because this life is not your life. This life is just step one in your life. The gifts and calling on your life, are on your eternal life. The plans that God has for you are not just for this life... here on this little blue marble... they are eternal plans and purposes.

At some point in time there will be a young man will drop his crack pipe and be wonderfully saved at the alter. An elder in the church, this grey haired man of God will walk up to this young man and prompted by the Holy Spirit begin to prophecy great things over his life ---  and just then ---- zap --- zing ---- rapture! What then? Does it all just stop? Well, wait a second. Lets understand the roll of the church AFTER the rapture. Because that is not the end for you or me, but just the beginning. That is not the time for us to breath a big sigh of relief and pat each other on the back with a big, "whew, we made it".

The point is we are a generation, like the generation in the time of John the Baptist. He had a message for the people of his day to prepare the way of the Lord. We as the Bride should likewise recognize the time in which we live and prepare ourselves for the greatest event in history. To sit back and just wait for his return is to be like the servant of Matthew 25: 14-30. Will you simply not prepare yourself as the Bride. Simply wait for Him to show up so you can kick back and float about on a cloud?  If that is your concept of Heaven, your in for a big surprise.

Like Simeon and Anna, we are on the cusp of great change. Jesus came, and the old was going to pass away and behold all things were going to become new. The Old Testament time came to a close and the dawn of a new covenant began. The disciples did not see it fully. Not until the revelation knowledge provided by the Holy Spirit open their eyes and their remembrance to the things Jesus said.

To much has already been said about prayer and fasting and the due diligence that we should be doing as members of the church, as the bride. These things Paul says are the Hebrews 5:11-12, you must admit are the basic principles of the faith, which we ought to be practicing. So these are not the things which I care to delve into in great detail.

What I would rather do, is to share with you a vision of the future. Your future. Our future. There is a millennial reign of Christ coming to this earth. It is prophesied. It will happen. During this time the Bible makes it clear that we shall rule and reign with Him for a thousand years. We, some believe will not be here during the tribulation period. That last week of years from Daniel chapter 9. Regardless of your tribulation views... let's get past that -- and focus on what few are talking about --- the millennium.

So what does the millennium contain? What will take place? Who will be involved?

After a period of tribulation on the earth, many, many will have perished. Some estimates are as high as two thirds. It was not too distant in our past we had two great wars and also a global plaque of influenza that sweep through almost every country, leaving millions dead. Know that there is a great time of tribulation on the earth. This time is coming. It really doesn't matter whether your pre, mid, or post-tribulation - with regards to the rapture. So, if we surmise that two thirds will perish through the pouring out of the wrath to come, during those years… we have a base population of approximately 2 billion, going into this millennium age.

Every eye shall see Him, Revelation 1:7. Of His Government there is no end. Isaiah 9:7.

Things will be very different around here. The anti-christ, Satan, will have tried to duplicate his own kingdom. He will have tried to establish his throne and a kingdom to last a thousand years. He has already started construction on one of his temples, which he desires to last a thousand years.

“The Maitreya Project will be an instrument for world peace, and the health, education, and wellbeing of millions of people in northern India, for at least a thousand years.”

Rather than man’s new world order, Christ will establish His New World Order. The final day of the Great Sabbath Week.  During this time, the will be billions of people who have lived through a terrible period in history. They shall witness with their own eyes, a being, much like an alien encounter or visitation coming to earth. Is it any wonder, the Bible refers to us as “not of this world”, aliens, 1 Peter 2:11. Yes, to the world it will look like an alien encounter. To us it will be a home coming of sorts, as we return with Jesus, to be Kings and Priests as we were ever meant to be. Revelations 5:10.

Laws will change. Cooperation with our fellow man will exist as the remnant of survivors discover the purpose of His Second Coming.

It is during this millennium reign, that God plays out for our sakes the final chapter of redemption for man. The first four thousand years, a time of chaos and blood. A time of continuous sacrifice through which man only was able to have a covering for sin, and not a removal. A time of great need to re-establish relationship with the father, but not ever a real break through, due to our nature. Then, came the long anticipated Christ. The embodiment of God Himself with us. To do what we could not do ourselves. To pay the price that was weighing heavy against man and to forever remove the blotch of sin on our record. To free us, as we could not free ourselves. To pay the debt. This was accomplished on the cross and opened the door for the sons of man to become the sons of God. To fulfill Psalm 8:5, and show us again who we are in the mind of God. We are not mere men.  1 Corinthians 3:1-4. We are indeed Children of the Most High. Psalm 82:6. We have been given the Mind of Christ! 1 Corinthians 2:16.

It is during the millennium that the Church will finally shine globally as she is beginning to do even now in some corners of the world.

The nation of Israel was to be a nation of priests for the world and a witness of God’s goodness. They never accomplished their task. The church during the past 2000 years was to pick up this mantel and be to the world what Jesus was to a dying nation. Yet, we too, have failed. Opting rather to teach tribes and nations how to be like us and eat with a fork and knife… instead of teaching covenant to every tribe nation and tongue. Now that was something that they could have understood and embraced. That the Great God of the Universe has chosen to cut a blood covenant with you. Nevertheless, here we are, on the verge of a great shift… from the age of Grace to the age of Christs’ reign.

During this time there will be a great need for education in spiritual things as the worlds mixed up and empty religious practices go by the wayside and a true and living way is taught to the multitudes. This is where you and I come in. Heaven is not your time to take a vacation. There is much to do and the fields are still white unto harvest.  Please don’t under estimate the Grace of God. God is by no means finished with the earth in the short period ahead called, the tribulation. It’s only a seven year stint. In the scope of time…. if we consider a couple of verses for reference… 2 Peter 3:8 and Psalm 90:4. (A thousand years to us is but a day to God). While we recognize that God is showing us His timeline is not ours. This is much to be said for what is called The Great Sabbath Week. Just for fun, if we take that timescale and figure what would 7 of our years be then in His time. 1000 years = a day. 42 years equals an hour. 7 years earth time = approx 10 minutes! So, really not much. The point is the tribulation period does not wrap up things for God’s plan for man, the earth or for you. Your purpose and calling is eternal! The millennium period is a time when God shows up to rule, removing Satan from the midst, so there are no grounds for man to point a finger at the tempter and blame anyone else for our shortcomings. God is demonstrating in this final round our complete and utter need for Him. It is only through relationship with our Father God that man is truly free.

With billions on the planet who will have made it through this great tribulation, the message of the cross will be as relevant as ever. The need for the salvation message to reach into every corner of the earth will be the responsibility of the Bride. The government will be upon His shoulders, Isaiah 9:6. The role of His Children is to be, finally, the priests and kings we were destined to be. Revelations 20:6. Thy kingdom come thy will be done. Yes indeed it shall. We shall be instruments with Him and for Him, fulfilling His purposes in this world.

Gotta go... I'll continue this in a bit.  :)