Thursday, September 6, 2012

Two of a kind

A thoughtful gift to hold our memories, a sister VW for our beloved Olive. I am not sure what we'll name our new addition but it is a cute little guy, don't you think? Thank you Erin, Laura and family. :)

If you click the photo to enlarge it, you can see that the headlights come on our new flash drive when you plug it in.

I thought this would make a nice picture.

You can also see a wedding picture of us on the facebook page for California Import Parts...
The time had come to leave Kelowna once again. This time instead of heading east across Canada, we are heading south through Washington State and Oregon into the sunny hotspot of Redding, California.

We decided to cross at the Osoyoos border crossing on a warm summer evening with the full moon rising over the hills, the clear moonlite penetrating the still blue sky.

Twisting our way along the mighty Columbia River we are treated with some landscape we haven't seen since Arizona and New Mexico.

I never would have thought that such rough terrain would be featured in Washington State. Following the twists and turns of this surprisingly mighty river was a real treat. We'd be driving, riverside through lush orchards and next be driving through dusty fields elevated above the river as it carved it's way through the rock, etching out valleys below.

Dirt devils twisting up in the dry fields to our right as we followed highway 97 south through small towns that captured the heart of the real America. I would highly recommend this drive if you have the time to avoid the speedy decent on Interstate #5.

As we left Washington State we wound our way around lakes towards the coast again to hook up in Portland Oregon to make our way south to Redding.

Oregon is a absolutely beautiful state and is a real attraction to both Tracey and I. After a night in Portland we continue our drive, leaving Oregon, driving through mountain passes we find ourselves crossing the border into California and are immediately hit with the heat. It was very surprising how quickly the temperatures rose. The distant horizon was opaque with the smoke of many fires, obscuring our view of the mountains around about us.  We never actually saw the fires but we given the treat of the smoky drive.  The heat was intense as we began to experience 95+ degree temperatures, less as much as we climbed to heights in the passes and more so was we descended into the valleys. A couple of times we were concerned for our air-cooled bus, as I would stick my arm our the window and feel the hot arm moving over it. But faith-fully our beloved Olive made the drive without difficulty and we arrived once more in our RV park in Redding. The rushing creek that was the home to hundreds of frogs when we were here in the spring, was now a dried up bed of grass and rocks waiting for the spring thaws to once again be a torrent of water bringing life to so many.

Thanks for reading. We'll keep this more up to date moving forward.

Kelowna - part two

Our time in Kelowna included time spent with our lovely nephew Ethan and niece Olivia. Luckily, I remembered to finally bring out the camera for some quick shots on our day in the park with Tracey's sister Laura.

We were able to take in Laura and Olivia's birthdays as well as precious time spent with our kids. 


Excuse me... privacy please!  To continue with the animal theme we find Oz, our daughter Haley's cat, doing a free table dance for us. It was an awkward moment for all involved.

Batman is the name of their massive Great Dane, who we spent some real quality time with, considering he is our only grandson. Not that we are complaining at all. He is a large sap and loves being with people.

It seems funny and somewhat sad that all this time spent with our family and kids we managed to get pictures of the animals and not the family... what's wrong with us???

Goodbye Vancouver Island

Although it was so nice to be back on the island visiting our kids and folks again, along with Diana, dressed in her summer digs. (The barber and Diana have a fight every summer and the razor wins out.)

The time came too quickly for us to move on to Kelowna and a visit with the rest of our family. 

Firstly, we stopped in Duncan to spend a day with Uncle Mark and his crew of animals. I suppose we could call this the 'Cat Post' - here is a picture of his Fat Cat. The name of the cat... is actually Fat Cat. Do you suppose she has a complex?
We were blessed with a wonderful time in Victoria with our good friends Luke and Erin. They recently purchased a very large heritage house just a couple of blocks from the Parliament Buildings. It was nice to stretch out in the King size bed in their garden suite. After our visit we said goodbye to Vancouver Island, heading up to Kelowna.

Friday, August 10, 2012

On the road again...

Well, after a year driving from coast to coast over the great land of Canada.... driving down the east coast of the US to the Florida Keys and around the Gulf of Mexico, and down the Baja to Cabo. Back up to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, LA ---- driving up the famous #1 hwy to San Fransico - to Redding California and then back to Nanaimo, British Columbia (pictured here).

We are now in Kelowna BC for August, enjoying the heat and clear skies.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bountifully Blessed at Bethel

Olive at Bethel, Redding CA.

We have been very tardy in updating the Blog since we got back to Canada. But wanted to back track a bit and share our experience we had spending 6 weeks at Bethel Church in Redding CA. 

When we arrived it was a Sunday night service and the place was rockin' Sunday evening worship was in full swing and you could feel His presence in the room. It is really amazing to be in a service where everyone's heart is tuned into the Lord. After service was over we found a place to boondock for the first night. The next day we booked into the Premier RV park for a month, which is about a 5 minute drive to Bethel...very clean bathrooms and friendly service. We headed back up to the church to work in Hebrews Coffee Shop and soak in the atmosphere... it's like a spiritual hot tub....without the pruning of your fingers! The first week we met the most amazing people from all over the world and spent time talking to them about their experience attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. All the comments were positive and they couldn't say enough about how blessed they were to be going there and how it has changed their lives. We met an older couple in their mid seventies that were in first year, very sweet, and they said Mark and I should check out the school…well we did and we are enrolled for this fall 2012 and really excited about what God has in store for us in our first year.

God will knock your shoes off!
For the past year I had also been praying to feel the weight of the presence of the Holy Spirit upon me. I had seen others tremble and go down under His presence but I had never felt that before. Well while we were at Bethel we attended the “Dream Conference”, which was great! Well just before we were to take a break from the conference Andrew (one of the organizers/speakers) said that the children from the school were all in the sanctuary and were getting “whacked” by the Holy Spirit…prophesying, getting “drunk” (not in a consuming liquid form but drunk in the presence of God). He asked if we would all like to go through a fire tunnel that the kids were setting up (this is where there are two rows of kids, one on either side, and you walk down the middle). Sure we all said, there was about 70 - 80 of us.  Well as we walked into the sanctuary I could feel a weight in the air, it was warm and peaceful. As I entered the fire tunnel the small children from kindergarten to grade 8 were speaking words over us and all of a sudden I was finding it very hard to stand, my knees were getting wobbly. I managed to walk through the tunnel and take about 4 or 5 steps out of the tunnel and fell to my knees. I just couldn’t stand under the weight of His presence. It was so amazing…and with His presence came such a feeling of peace that filled my entire body. After a while I thought I would be able to stand and managed to walk half the way across the sanctuary, although very wobbly, and a young boy came over to me extended his hands said a few words and down I went again. I sat there laughing and thanking God for showing me what being in His presence, in a small way, feels like. It is a feeling that I never want to loose and will press into Him to carry His presence with me.  To be able to show others what being with God is like….well that is a gift to be shared.

Ever since that time… the minute I turn my focus to Christ I feel His presence, it is amazing.

We spent ever chance we got fellowshipping with the wonderful people we met there, and can’t wait to get back to see them again. Love to you all!

I also have to share one of the many encounters we had…besides, people having extreme pain from cancer and walking out with no pain at all, a tumor on this ladies ankle disappearing, surgical metal plates disappearing… Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12

One evening during worship the Holy Spirit showed up…and worship continued for two hours…it was like a spiritual rave for the Lord. Mark and I looked up towards the ceiling and said to each other what is that floating in the air. The whole front of the sanctuary ceiling was shimmering with gold dust. We were singing and watching it and it would get bigger and smaller but it never fell to the ground it just hovered above. I know some would try to explain this away, with one logical reason or another but Mark and I both believe that is was the presence of the Holy Spirit, a Glory cloud. It was wonderful to experience. It happened again on another night and spread almost to the back of the sanctuary again nothing fell to the ground. When you experience things like this how can we not have faith that our God is bigger than anything we can imagine. And what is even more indescribable is that He loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. Bountiful Blessings to you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Divine Appointment

A year ago I purchased an Action Bible...amazing art work by Sergio Cariello former Marvel Comics and DC Comics artist. Here is a link to his website Any way, I love comics, cartoons and great artwork so I devoured the pages and met some of the greatest action heroes of the Bible. After I finished reading the Action Bible God said to me "keep this book, as there is a young boy who I want you to give it to". He then showed me a picture of the young boy. He was dark haired and darker skin... Perhaps he was Mexican, we knew we would be heading to Mexico so perhaps it would be then. Well we traveled all across Canada, down the eastern side of the United States across the bottom of the US into Mexico and still no young boy. After we headed out of Mexico we drove to Yuma...Grand Canyon...Las Vegas, San Diego and to San Clemente.

Mark and I pulled into a Starbucks late in the evening in San Clemente to check our email and catch up on a bit of work. A youth Pastor came in with two young boys. After sometime the Pastor asked the one young boy if he had a Bible, the boy said now. Now being good Christians and looking for an opportunity to minister we were eavesdropping (you never know when an opportunity for prayer may come up : ) Well Mark turned to me and said do you still have that Bible? I started to vibrate and excitedly ran out to the bus to retrieve the Action Bible now buried under books and towels. Book in hand I ran back in and tapped the young boy on the shoulder when he turned and looked up at me it was the same face that God had showed me almost a year before. (during the whole time in Starbucks they had had their backs to us so I never saw his face). I said to the young boy that God had asked me a year before to hang on to this Bible because He wanted you to have this. I handed the book to him and he smiled up at me such a warm and open face. He thanked me very much and I was introduced to Devon.

A short while later the Youth Pastor and the two boys left, the boys got picked up and the Pastor came back in. He wanted to thank Mark and I. He told us that on that day Devon found out that he would never be able to live with his mum again as she was back in rehab and it was not a good situation. Devon had just moved into his Uncle's place and was just coming to Lord the timing for the gift of the Bible was so good. I smiled at him and said that is our God...perfect timing.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

There and Back Again ---- A Volkswagen Tale

Here is a submission we made at the request of VW Camper Magazine out of England.

How do I summarize a year long trip in a '72 VW Bus named Olive? A trip that takes two corporate cubical junkies from 3000 sq ft of household trappings and "stuff" to 50 sq feet of compact German engineering in a mobile office. How do I tell you about the beauty and splendor of nature that rolled out before us as we traversed North America, or of the wonderful warm-hearted people we met along the way, who would not take no for an answer as they opened their homes to us in the sweltering 110 degree summer heat or the blustering winds of hurricane Irene?

Shall I try and describe what you see as you drive around the twists and turns of the Gaspe Peninsula during a moonlit night: a coastal drive with dozens of tiny bays and quiet little fishing villages, the moonlite shining on the water like a million diamonds. Lake Louise on a cool early morning with it's turquoise glacier fed waters surrounded by snow capped mountains, or the sudden appearance of a large moose running astride us as we make our way across the ocean of colorful fields which stretch to the distant horizon on the great Canadian prairie.

How can I begin to tell you about the wonderful people who invited us into their lives and homes, who shared with us their stories of escape from Communist Czechoslovakia many years ago, or the artist who tells us of a private beach to spend the night in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. The kind stranger in Montana who buys gas for our bus just because a VW brings him such fond memories. The harden soldier in Texas, who owned a VW Bus while stationed in Europe and how he met his wife there, likely conceiving their son inside their beloved bus. I invite him into the Olive so he can reminisce and watch as his eyes fill up with tears. It's funny how a VW bus touches such a wide range of people. Young children laugh and smile and older folks always have a story of their own adventures in a VW. Olive has instant appeal to everyone. When we randomly see signage for a car show sign, we decide to pull into the small, one street town. We are amazed to see such a selection of restored autos. Olive pulls into the middle of the street where they make a spot for her. The crowds quickly form and it seems like the mustangs and corvettes are totally forgotten as the growing mass encompass our bus, with an anxious audience yearning to hear how two middle aged, non-hippies make a living from a pretty green bus.

We have traveled over 22,000 miles since we bought our bus in August 2010. Eight months of restoration in a warehouse and then the beginning of our new life in May of 2011. Now nearly a year later my wife just turned to me as we were driving north on the famous #1 Hwy of California, between Los Angeles and Monterey, and asked, 'How has this changed me?'

I think about that. What does it mean, to not have anything?

But I do have something... a life that countless people have expressed envy for, time and again as we shared our story. 'You guys have the right idea' - we'd hear them say.

How have I changed? I am the same person I was in the beginning.

I think now, looking at all the times that we have had 'chance' encounters with people at just the right time in just the right place, and I think that the thing that has changed the most is my faith. I have seen dozens and dozens of what we call 'God moments' and have been privileged to be a part of these with kind people from every walk of life. I would be writing all night to try and detail all of them. Many we still are writing every week or month as the correspondence with these people we met 'in passing' continues. My wife calls it 'A moment in your life' and we talk of writing a book from our adventures.

We got a wonderful going away gift from my folks, a Volkswagen Camper Cookbook by Steve and Suz Rooker
. With our new cabinets I designed, we have ample counter top space for the SMEV two burner cooktop and sink combo unit - the sweetest thing. Not wanting an ugly propane tank dangling from the outside of our bus, we opted for 1 pound mini tanks inside the bus. Our fresh water is a 5 gallon tank from a water cooler which fits nicely inside the cabinets under the sink. A electric fridge provides lots of space for our food and runs off two deep cycle batteries which also give the tiny amount of juice needed to turn on the LED lights I placed in the new headliner and roof trim. After removing the gas heater we needed some way to keep warm so picked out a Alpaca comforter which was a good investment. The original motor, with only 85,500 miles didn't need a thing. She ran so smooth and powered us over the Rocky Mountains and across the massive nation of Canada before the original Solex carbs quietly gave up the ghost. Replacing them with new Kadrons was the first of the new parts to replace the 40 year old tired ones. The starter died in New Orleans and the transmission in San Diego. With new shiny parts she runs as good as the day she rolled off the line.

I understand that not everyone can live like this. I know some need the big screen tv and hot tub or walk-in shower. But living like this is really not that bad. Local swimming pools have all these things for less then ten bucks. Local pubs feature all the sporting events we feel we can't miss, but what we realize is, there's really not much on that we care to watch.

I suppose telling you what motivated us to do this would be helpful. As Christians when you hear from God you decide whether your going to do anything about it or not. Sometimes it's just something like, go pray for that person, or give that guy fifty dollars. What we heard was clear... "Would you sell everything you own?"  We said simply, "Yes, sir".  Next came "Get mobile"  Not being sure what was meant by that we went for a coffee to discuss it and that's when we picked up an issue of VW Camper magazine and saw the beauty of restored buses. With that image in mind we thought we'd look online to see if by chance we could find one. Within 48 hours a bus showed up for sale in Vancouver. We liked what we saw and took the two hour ferry ride to inspect her closely. On the way over we decide to call her Olive, after a publishing company we own. Once there, we noticed a curtain in the back window with images of olives and the word Olives written over and over again. Confirmation is nice. That is just the first of what would be dozens of signs to us that we were on the right path. Feeling confident about our future we commence the transition from suburban work a day types to a lifestyle of gypsy travelers doing graphic design work from your neighborhood Starbucks. Each and every day meeting people at just the right time and just the right place. Our blog contains so many stories of the people we have met and the blessings they have been to us and us to them.

How do you end an adventure like this? Do you end it at all? Have we stumbled upon nirvana and found that life is more than working 9-5 and commuting to the cubical. We will be heading up the west coast of the United States through to May, heading to what we call 'home' - Vancouver Island, BC. We will have circumnavigated the entire continent including six weeks in Baja, Mexico. We have walked for six hours in Washington, DC hunting down the Constitution. We have stood completely soaked at the very front of a boat as it sailed the showering mists at the base of the thundering Niagara Falls. We have proudly stood in a North Carolina church, the only token white folks amid a congregation of people who know how to sing and clap, and we just did our best. We have pulled into burger joints to have complete strangers notice Olive and invite us to Thanksgiving dinner, even putting us up for a night. We seen snow covered cactus as we drove through a blizzard in the deserts of New Mexico. We have weathered two hurricanes on the east coast and freezing temperatures as we pulled away from the Grand Canyon. Entertained crowds parked in front of yet another Starbucks on the cobble stoned streets of Savannah, Georgia, with it's haunting trees and century old buildings.

It's the magic of a Volkswagen bus. The only vehicle ever made that causes spontaneous smiles to break out on people. No matter the age, no matter the status in life. We have had bikers give us a friendly wave and lawyers offer to buy our baby. No matter who you are, you have a fond memory of a Volkswagen Bus. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Big Sur Coastal Drive

The drive up the California Coast was amazing....a warm sunny day with a cloudless blue of the most beautiful drives on our trip. It was challenging to keep my eyes on the twisting road that lay in front of me and not keep gazing at the spectacular view of the Pacific ... it was magical.  
Along the way we passed the famous Hearst Castle...we stopped for a closer look but the tours were pretty booked up and we didn't want to waste such a wonderful day inside the castle.
View of the Hearst Castle

We stopped for lunch at a cliffside cafe on the Big Sur....and we're blessed by seeing a gray humpback whale! We enjoyed some world famous fish and chips...very yummy. Then continuing down the highway we discovered a pull off view point which was hosted by some rather friendly...furry 'marmots' - I think. They really loved the flax crackers we had.

We spent 3 days in Monterey California, enjoying more sunny days and leisurely walks on Fisherman's Wharf. We then made our way further north over the Golden Gate bridge and on to our most anticipated destination to date.... Redding California.

My new friends are hungry

Olive checking out another lighthouse
beautiful ocean view

San Diego

Ok... it's been a while and I apologize. So I'll bring you up to speed on current events...

1) we left Vegas and headed to San Diego

2) we had some transmission issues... not serious... but I got on it before it got serious. So we had it rebuilt and did some other repairs.

3) the mechanic we found was a good christian guy and after the work we went out into the country to his place as he offered us a shooting lesson. Fired off some arrows from his bows also crossbows and a few clips from a 9mm. Man was that loud!

Lunch Time!
4) We had to pop into the San Diego Zoo before we left and it was quickly apparent why it was a world famous zoo. We saw loads of exotic animals in a comfortable stroll around the park. The best part I suppose was the Mountain Gorilla's. After the walkabout, we were ready to leave but wanted to see the Gorilla's once more before we left. One last memory before we hit the road. We had a great view as the majestic animal paraded past the glass. He walked in front of us and had a seat only a few feet away. Unfortunately he had some business to attend to and we had a front row seat. Well, that was ok... he had to go. So it was a natural function. No problem. Then he reached behind him and finished pulling out .... "a snack"... he popped it into his mouth... and we almost lost our lunch. People ran in horror, the screams, the tears, children crying, mother's covering the faces of their babies and then the crowd began to stampede away from the awful image at the glass, trampling the elderly underfoot, ---- it was a terrible sight... oh the humanity!!!!  .... Ok... so I exaggerated a bit. But it was just gross. We stopped a worker in the park and made sure they heard our disappointment that they were not feeding the animals any better, as the creatures felt the need to have seconds.... of what they already had! ... Ok enough of that... we left San Diego.

Can you name the animals below? Email us if you think you got them all.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And now for something completely different....Vegas!

MGM Grand
It was with mixed feeling that we ventured into Las Vegas...big city....bright lights...not a place on my top ten list to visit, but it was on the way and I have to say that we were pleasantly surprised to find it wasn't as big as we thought. The strip is just a small part of this city. It was very clean and aside from the corners that had the peddlers trying to hand you illicit cards, it was nice to walk the streets....totally safe. The weather was great...sunny every day high 70's hitting almost 80. We enjoyed people watching...and prayed as we walked. We found out too that two of our kids.. Haley and Chris were there somewhere but we couldn't get ahold of them...we kept an eye out but no luck...ha luck in Vegas...oh well.

Bellagio lobby with Chinese New Year display

The one thing we did do while we were there was OD on cirque du soleil shows. We watched "O" which was great... "The Beatles" which was inspiring .... and "KA" which was spectacular! I think we need to do  the story of Christ in a cirque du soleil would be indescribable : )
Caesar's Palace
Bellagio water display to music...was great!
Waiting to get into the Beatles Cirque Show

They Died to Make the Desert Bloom

These are the words on the Oskar Hansen's memorial honouring the 112 men that lost their lives.

With that on our minds viewing the Hoover Dam had a new perspective. We often forget all of the planning and striving that goes into engineering such a marvel and look at it as a finished work. Sometimes we need to step back and understand the sacrifice that was given.

The Dam was built between 1931 and 1936 and sits on the Arizona and Nevada borders…so as you walk across the top of the dam you walk from one state to the other and the time zone changes too by one hour. Want to extend your day…just take a walk. After a wonderful hour in the sun it is off to Vegas!
Mark enjoying the view

Beautiful....wish you were here.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Train Robbers at the Grand Canyon!

Mark and I spent the 3 days driving out of Baja Mexico and back to the land of convenience! Through all the military check points no of the high mountain top check points though the young military men did a inspection through Olives cupboards and found our instant coffee. The young man held it up to the other officer and smiled then the other officer looked at me and said "coffee"... "yes" I said...."instant coffee"...."yes" he said "Coffee" smiling..."ok" he said..."Ok?" I replied... " want our coffee?" "Yes" he replied smiling still.... "Sure, why not, you can have the coffee." it was then quickly passed off to another officer. I guess it gets cold in the mountains on their shift and a cup of hot coffee was something to look forward too. With that they waved us on...still smiling!

It really is a breathtaking view
We stopped over in Yuma for a couple of days to enjoy the Holiday Inn hospitality and to sleep in a quiet hotel room with all the comforts of home. After we charged up it was on to the Grand Canyon. My oh my what majesty! This will mostly be photos as we took a few. We are so glad that we went on the day we did as the next day a blizzard hit and it was time for us to move on and get going to the Hoover Dam!

our train that we took up to the canyon

the chilly view...

it just went on forever

"All Aboard"

our on board entertainment....Jessie

a room with a view

Chillin in Los Barriles

My wonderful man taking in the view.
After we spent some time in Cabo we wandered up the coast, on the Sea of Cortez side of the Baja,  to Los Barriles. It was a small town with a great love for music and the home of the international kiteboarding yes it is a bit windy but only from about 11am until 5pm then it stops.

We met some great people staying at the West Cape RV park. Bridgette is the Yoga and Zumba instructor so I signed up for Zumba and it was great fun. Her husband Peter is a chef and every friday night they put on a dinner outside their RV for about 20 people....wonderful food for only 100 pesos. Mark and I also met a wonderful couple from San Francisco area...Jenny and Joe. We enjoyed evenings in conversation and laughter. After a while with interrupted sleep, listening to the Mexican dogs carry on all night (in the day they were laid out in the sand sleeping but you knew it was only a matter of time). Oh and then there were the Roosters who thought that 3am constituted morning!  We felt the need to move on and get back to high speed internet and a few less dogs!

Sun Surf and Silliness....good times!

A little lunch get together for East Capers'

Our friend Joe...singing at a local venue...he was good!

Getting the Kites ready for competition